The Busy Mom’s Dream Journal 

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Important Dates

Start: Wed, March 24, 2021, at 1 AM US Central Time (2 AM EST)Ends: Wed, March 30th at midnight (PST)

Warrior+ Offers

Front-endCouple’s Journal with PLR (LINK)

OTO1 – Couple’s Journal OTO1 (See below for a capture screen)

OTO2 – Couple’s Deck of Cards OTO2 (See below for a capture screen)

Commission Structure

Front-end – 70%

OTO1 – 50%

OTO2 – 50%


Warrior+ will handle all payments to affiliates. Please make sure that you have indicated your PayPal payout email account. 


Get Your Affiliate Link Now!

Step 1:  Go to this Affiliate Sign Up Page at Warrior Plus where you can click “View Sales Page” to see what the product is. 

Step 2: Sign in to your W+ account, or register for a new account.

Step 3: Request to be an affiliate here.

Step 4: Once approved, copy your affiliate links.Step 5: To add a bonus, find the “Products” tab (Overview – Funnel Map – Products) at the same Affiliate Sign Up Page. Click the gift icon at the right-most corner and key in a URL of your bonus file.


Please email me anytime for questions, comments or suggestions at and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can, normally in a few hours. 

Maria Silvo,Artsy Challenge


Email Slant

Affiliate Swipes

Email #1 

Hey (name), Maria Silvo of Artsy Challenge just launched a brand new product that’s both naughty and nice for you and your partner. It’s her Couple’s Journal!After going through 60 pages with thought-provoking prompts, I’m pretty sure you’ll both love it!Why don’t you check it out?Be sure to go through the flipbook to get to the heart of the journal.This is rebrandable content, by the way, which means that you may modify it, put your stamp on it, then publish it or sell it to your audience. You may also gift it to your siblings, friends, relatives, colleagues, or whoever needs to spice up their relationship. Here’s what the Couple’s Journal pack has for you:

I have much to say about it but, hey, I see and respond to things differently. Why don’t you head on over to the Couple’s Journal page and see for yourself?I can’t wait to hear what you think. So thrilled about what awaits you, Name


Email #2Hi {name}, I’m thrilled to tell you about this new journal that just came into the market!It’s the Couple’s Journal, which is designed to primarily bring a couple much closer through shared moments. The journaling prompts are simple yet moving, and I can imagine that if I were to use the journal with my spouse, something beyond the ordinary can happen. Who knows?Even if you’re still single or without a partner, you can use it to sell to your audience. Doing that is easy given that rebranding and commercial use is allowed. Check out what’s inside the Couple’s Journal pack:

It is currently at the introductory price of $19. Treat that as a great investment that could come back in terms of stronger relationship, monetary returns, or both. Go check out this unique journal pack! I’m thrilled for you to have it.Kind regards,



Email #3Hi {name},

You come across great low content products such as journals, planners, and workbooks everyday, and guess what?

They are geared towards individual users and not much on an underserved market, couples – whether legally married, common law, living in, teens, elderly, same or opposite sex, moms AND dads, grannies, or what have you.  

Maria Silvo of Artsy Challenge has a product for that special market, her Couple’s Journal with PLR. 

You can use it with your spouse or partner, or brand it and sell it to couples! 

The product has flexible rebranding and commercial terms and it’s selling at a really low introductory price. Sell one or a few and you get back your investment plus more. 

Hurry to get the best price! 



Promotional Images Get through this Google Drive link.





OTO1 – Couple’s Journal OTO1

OTO2 – Couple’s Deck of Cards OTO2