The Busy Mom’s Dream Journal
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General Information
Important Dates
Start: Wed, April 28, 2021, at 1 AM PST (4 AM EST)Ends: Wed, May 3, 2021 at 12 MN PST (3 AM EST – 5/4/21)
Warrior+ Offers
Front-end – The Busy Mom’s Dream Journal
OTO1 – The Busy Mom’s Dream Journal (Add-On)
OTO2 – 220 Dreamy Backgrounds
Commission Structure
Front-end – 50%
OTO1 – 50%
OTO2 – 50%
JV Information
Launch runs from April 28 (Wed) at 1 AM PST (4 AM EST) until May 3 (Mon) at 12 MN PST (3 AM EST – 5/4/21)
1) Sign up on the form below to get alerts or notifications about the product.
2) Affiliates will be paid through the Warrior Plus Wallet. To make this happen, make sure that you have your PayPal email to facilitate payout.
3) Spamming is not allowed.
4) You must NOT use the Busy Mom’s Dream Journal or Dream Journal for the Busy Mom to create a website, Facebook page, or any other marketing methods that make it seem like you own the product or product name.
5) You cannot entice people to buy though your affiliate link by offering them any type of cash reimbursement.
6) Remember: No refunds are allowed for this digital product.
7) These terms can change at anytime without notice.
Sign up for JV notification. First Name * Email address * I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.
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Affiliate Incentives
Have your own copy of each product for FREE when you reach the target number of sales for each offer:
Front-end: 5 sales
OTO1: 5 sales
OTO2: 5 sales
How to Get Your Affiliate Link
Step 1: Go to this Affiliate Sign Up Page at Warrior Plus where you can click “View Sales Page” to see what the product is.
Step 2: Sign in to your W+ account, or register for a new account.
Step 3: Request to be an affiliate here.
Step 4: Once approved, copy your affiliate links.Step 5: To add a bonus, find the “Products” tab (Overview – Funnel Map – Products) at the same Affiliate Sign Up Page. Click the gift icon at the right-most corner and key in a URL of your bonus file.
Selling Points:
- A great surprise gift for Mother’s Day on May 9, 2021
- Small ($17) investment for a super pack of customizable and done-for-you content
- Evergreen niche – After mother’s day, it can be tweaked to cater to other users.
- Huge business potential for passive income
- Versatile pack with private label and commercial license
Graphics – Download from this link.
Email Swipes
Swipe #1: Product Introduction
Hello, Mother’s Day is on May 9 and as a gift to celebrate her love at least for once this year…Maria Silvo of Artsy Challenge has brought you the Busy Mom’s Dream Journal! It’s a digital copy that you can print for her in either peach colored, grayscale, or plain black and white. The black and white would be great as a physical copy via Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing. Just create a nice cover, and you may use the prepped book pages in the pack, and have it printed and shipped to your mom. Choose which works for her – 10, 20, or 30 days. Are you a business owner? It has white label (or private label rights) and commercial license that allows you to sell as. Why not capitalize on the power of Etsy, Shopify, or your website to sell digital or physical copies? This product is jam-packed with awesome done-for-you and do-it-yourself stuff. Pre-done pages as well as customizable PowerPoint source files are all included. Why don’t you have a look yourself? You’ll find the details of what you get in this LINK. (Incorporate your W+ affiliate link.)It will sell at $37 but for now, you get it at the introductory price of $17. There are add-on offers when you decide to get this, but nothing to clip your enjoyment of it or its potentials to make you money. The first one-time-offer is for a stack of 8 more done-for-you dream journal PDFs along with their PowerPoint source files. The second is a bundle of 220 dreamy backgrounds that will add magic to your journal. It’s an investment that’s worth every penny. Go for it! To your success, (Your Name)
————————————————Swipe #2: Follow UpHello, I wrote you about this newly-launched Busy Mom’s Dream Journal yesterday but I miss to emphasize features you can use to take it up a notch. I did mention that you can sell this product at Etsy, Shopify, or your website. Also, it includes a generous license that lets you brand (private label) and resell it. What I missed out is that it has a black and white as well as grayscale version, and what you can do with these inclusions is to publish them on a print-on-demand platform like Amazon. There’s a caveat though, and it makes a lot of sense. You must create a custom cover and put in your brand at the very least. That’s because publishing it as is goes against the terms of Amazon. More than that, you want to build your own brand and a great reputation. You don’t want to appear as a copycat, do you? The templates have been tested at KDP’s file reviewer, and the files come in coverage of 10, 20, and 30 days.Check out the product page and see how the black and white version appears. (Provide your W+ affiliate link.) Before I forget, although this one is intended for the busy mom, you may always slant it to cater to a different market or niche. Imagination is your friend.I am so excited for you to have this. Talk soon,
(Your Name)
—————-Swipe #3 – Follow ThroughHello,Mother’s Day is fast approaching and what better way to delight her than with this Busy Mom’s Dream Journal. I had a look at what’s inside, and you can do so too HERE. (Incorporate your W+ affiliate link.)I can tell that there’s so much for moms and for you as a business owner. For moms, you can always have it printed at Amazon using all versions available – colored, grayscale, and black and white. Mom would love a dream journal with gorgeous peach colored pages, but if you don’t mind the printing cost, why not? It’s for Mom after all, or yourself if you’re a mom! Doing the black and white pages with a lovely custom cover is nothing to scoff at. Go for it! If you’re a business owner, you’d be delighted with this premium pack. There are many customizable templates to choose from. If you like, you may use the templated images using PowerPoint. Promote it as a dream journal for mom, or tweak it to cater to teens, seniors, women, men, and more. Create as many copies as you can, and sell it many times over. It’s a versatile pack especially with it’s white (or private) label and commercial license. At a measly investment, what is there to hesitate? Sell a few copies and get it back. Sell it many times over and you get passive income. I can write a long email about this product but I guess nothing beats seeing it in action. Click HERE and see it in action! (Incorporate your W+ affiliate link.)To your success, (Your Name)
Maria Silvo, Artsy Challenge
Email Address –
Subject Line – Affiliate Support: W+ Dream Journal