“Getting knocked down in life is a given. Getting up and moving forward is a choice.” – Zig Ziglar
When you’re experiencing overwhelm, how can you possibly manage it?
When you feel like drowning in a tsunami of various stuff – events, responsibilities, people, emotions, plans, condition, and expectations – what do you do?
How do you deal with it?
Regardless of your stature, situation or circumstance, you go through this.
How did you deal with it? Did you buckle down in the face of these challenges? Did you fight or run away?
Here are ways that you can deal with overwhelm as sanely as possibly:
First, accept the situation.
Life is not perfect. Overwhelm does happen to good or bad people, young and old alike, male or female… everybody. No one escapes it so embrace it. It makes life easier. Then, take it from there.
Second, relax.
Take things in stride. This allows you to be aware of what’s going on. It buys you time to notice what’s important and essential or urgent and life-changing and puts you back in the proper mental frame to respond accordingly.
Third, figure out what’s next.
Think: What would you do next? Do you restrategize?
Here are possible steps that you may take:
- Create a list – what needs to be done, what you want to get done, and nice if done
- Delegate
- Purchase advanced tools
- Study
- Negotiate
- Change plans
- Take a sabbatical leave
- Travel.
Sometimes, the next best step is to do nothing at all.
Fourth, clean up.
When your world feels chaotic, create order outside. Clean up your workspace, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, car, stockroom, bookshelf.
It does wonders to feel clean!
Fifth, take hold of reality.
Ground your choices on reality. It doesn’t make sense to simply ignore a deadline or to pretend that a complex piece of work can be done in 15 minutes. Make allowances.
Sixth, revise your commitments.
Promises are not made to be broken, but some need to be revised. Act promptly to revise commitments that you cannot or will not keep.
Seventh, first things first.
Take time to exercise, pray, meditate, and “defrag” no matter how busy you are. When you do these things first thing each day, you’ll notice yourself transform into a more joyful, resourceful, and resilient person.
Eight, breathe.
First, last, and always, let a rising bubble of anxiety be your reminder to breathe.
Ninth, get back on track.
Whatever happens, life doesn’t stop just because you have to stop. After coming to grips with reality – overwhelm, stress, and all – you have to rise up in the morning, carry on what you were set to do, and get back on track.
That’s what you call life. You have to live it.
let’s toast to a short break and be back refreshed!
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