What if you live life fully – trusting your creativity, doubting it not one bit, and letting it explode?
No more feeling small.
No more stalling and inaction.
Perfectionism is a thing of the past.
People’s opinions no longer weigh you down.
New adventures outside the old and familiar make your life extraordinary.
That is my goal for you.
That you unshackle yourself from fear, self-doubt, shame, procrastination, hesitation, perfectionism, and complacency – emotions, mindsets, and behaviors that block you from freely expressing your creative self.
The 21-Day Creative Exploration Challenge!
In 21 days, you’ll uncover a new person who is self-assured, action-oriented, and confident of her/his creative abilities!
Hi! I’m Maria Silvo.
I am the creator of Artsy Challenge. For decades, I didn’t consider myself creative nor did I imagine I could create art that people would buy. I was always shy, hesitant, doubtful, and ashamed of my creative abilities. I felt I wasn’t good enough… deep down, I was screaming to be my own artist.
I made plans to paint, draw, doodle, sketch, write poems, compose songs, and more. However, they failed. I failed.
Meanwhile, I envied others. I bought art books, courses, private label rights (PLR) products, apps, memberships, and art supplies to make up for my inaction. I can’t tell exactly how much I had spent but it’s in tens of thousands.
One day in 2018, I had had enough and doodled a floral set… and, yes, I thought they were ugly!
Incidentally, I joined a Facebook community and showed my art pieces. It took other people’s affirmations to build my self-confidence.
I opened my first shop – Fresh PLR Possibilities – and sold my first set of products. Fast forward, here I am.
My negative thoughts and fears still haunt me, but who cares? These days, I do as I please.
Creativity is like fresh air. It completes you.
You need it to live fully and joyfully.
However, to hordes of people, creative expression is a non-stop battle. Many overcome it, but the majority don’t.
They can’t. They won’t.
They don’t even know why.
Self-doubt, fear, shame, procrastination, perfectionism, and complacency keep them buckled down.
If you’re like them who have yet to face their monsters, you’re not alone.
You can get through this.
It won’t be easy. After all, it took years for your monsters to grow and get the better of you.
I was in your shoes not so long ago.
Hang in there.
In this 21-day challenge,
I’ll hold your hand and guide you through.
Together, we’ll deal with your mindsets on creativity.
We’ll let your imagination and hands work for you.
Although this is a creative journey, we’ll tap on your left brain to get the bigger picture.
We’ll also make use of resources that are out there.
Even with me by your side, doing this challenge can be lonely; however, with a community of kindred spirits, it won’t be.
I don’t want to create false expectations.
Inner change takes time…
but it can be done.
This 21-day challenge is not an antidote but it’s a great start.
What can you expect in the 21-day challenge?
In 21 days, you’ll:
- expand your insights on creativity and your unique creative expression;
- develop a better understanding and deep acceptance of your creative self;
- visualize yourself in a new light;
- identify opportunities to make use of your creativity;
- create tools to reaffirm and advance your creative potentials and abilities;
- plot a creative path to pursue after the challenge;
- get support, encouragement, and inspiration from a community of like-minded people.
You’ll get a variety of content, processes, tools, and resources, including:
- a secure members’ area
- daily lessons
- daily assignments
- prompts
- templates
- checklists
- planners
- a private, interactive Facebook Group
- and more!
Each day for 21 days, you’ll work on your own to complete the lessons and assignments.
A community will support, encourage, and inspire you.
Are there outputs to produce ?
Heaps… but doable!You’ll come up with the following:
- richer insights on and acceptance of your creativity
- a visual image of the stories that you tell yourselfa picture of yourself based on a new story line
- an inventory of your personal assets
- identification of areas to work on
- list of creative opportunities now and in the future
- list of projects that you’re passionate about
- design of one creative project from a long wish list
- creative direction to pursue
- next steps after the challenge
- and more!
How much is it to join?
$7 is all you need. If you miss this chance, you’ll have to pay the regular price of $47.
I thought of giving it for free but, in keeping with the idea that creatives should not undercut their worth, I am putting a premium on my hard work.
If finances is a concern due to the current pandemic, email me at maria@artsychallenge.com or leave a message via the contact page and I’ll let you in at $1. All I ask is that you complete the challenge.
My Simple Guarantee
Request a full refund 7 days upon purchase and get back your money – no questions asked!
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~Maria Silvo, Artsy Challenge
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