The 2020 Stretch Yourself Challenge

Turning a New Leaf in My Business

I celebrated my two years in business last August 18 with a a one-week anniversary sale. Way to go!

Over a sumptuous, spicy Indian meal of Chicken Masala, Dahl, Basmati Rice, and naan with hubby, I asked myself, “What’s next? Where to from here? How?”

Lo and behold, Kelly McCausey of Love People and Make Money showed up in my inbox with her 2020 Stretch Yourself Challenge!

For years, I heard people sing praises about the challenge and how it impacted them but up until now, I had no clue what it was exactly that they were crazy about.

Two catch words pulled me in – stretch and challenge.

Just what I needed. “I’m in!”

Why I Joined the 2020 Stretch Yourself Challenge?

I thought I was ready for a hard kick on the back to:

  • move past my comfort zone
  • broaden my perspectives
  • develop new mindsets, skills, systems, and approcahes
  • shake off old practices and habits
  • connect with people.

In short, I wanted positive change.

That was why I joined the stretch challenge.

I had been in many challenges in the past but wasn’t as focused and serious as this.

It’s hard work, I must confess. It’s no joke having to juggle at least five major externally-led events on top of running my business in the whole of September.

However, the die is cast. I made my decision and have stood by it.

My stress levels have shot up almost to the edge of panic. However, I have picked up simple yet effective ways to deal with stress that could very easily become a new normal.

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So far, the stretch challenge is living up to my expectations.


What is the 2020 Stretch Yourself Challenge?

The 2020 Stretch Yourself Challengee is a 30-day event that is focused on content marketing.

“Having an internet based business, almost entirely built around content, gave me a life with choices I could only dream of before. I was able to homeschool my son, be there for family, meet needs of others and keep bills paid even when I faced a health crisis. Today I enjoy freedom of travel and the pursuit of a joy filled future!” ~Kelly McCausey

It is a call to:

  • snap out of your comfort zone;
  • explore what you’ve never done before;
  • tackle familiar projects in a bigger way.

It is a complete content marketing training with 21 challenges to choose from:

Challenge #1: Set Up Google Analytics Reporting (NEW in 2020)
Challenge #2: Share Your Expertise & Promote It Like Crazy!
Challenge #3: Create A Collaborative Blog Post (NEW in 2020)
Challenge #4: Tackle A Dedicated Affiliate Promotion (NEW in 2020)
Challenge #5: Tackle A Content Refresh (NEW in 2020)
Challenge #6: Hold a Webinar or Teleseminar To Grow Your List
Challenge #7: Host a Facebook Live Series
Challenge #8: Offer & Host A Group Coaching Intensive
Challenge #9: Create a Small & Mighty Gift Report
Challenge #10: Make an Intentional Connection
Challenge #11: Start A Facebook Group
Challenge #12: Gather & Publish Testimonials
Challenge #13: Host A One Day Virtual Summit
Challenge #14: Choose A Live Event To Attend
Challenge #15: Volunteer/Apply To Speak Live
Challenge #16: Participate in a Bundle Sale or Giveaway
Challenge #17: Plan A Micro-continuity Membership Program
Challenge #18: Set Up A Tripwire Offer
Challenge #19: Start a YouTube Channel (NEW in 2019)
Challenge #20: Create A Tiktok Account & Post Three Times (NEW in 2020)
Challenge #21: Create A Twitch.TV Account & Stream Three Times (NEW in 2020)

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Those marked items?

They are the challenges that I planned on tackling. The blue ones are those that I’m done with while the red are in progress.

Here’s my best work for the Stretch Challenge: 16 Brilliant Women Entrepreneurs Reveal Their Insider Creativity Tips

This is my plan for my Micro-Continuity Membership Program that I’ll be implementing this year.

Where Am I in the Challenge?

I am half-way through the challenge but have done way more than perhaps a quarter of work in the past.

Why so?

Now, I have:

  • more clarity on which path or direction to take my business;
  • a broader view of the importance of creating content and some start-up experience on marketing it to a bigger audience;
  • come to embrace simple and effective productivity tools that I oftentimes brushed off in the past because I was used to other ways of doing things;
  • widen my circle of people I can collaborate with;
  • come up with plans to implement after the challenge.

Overall, I am doing things differently and in a bigger way!

What’s in it for You?

The doors to join this year’s challenge is closed so you can no longer get in in the way that early registrants did.

If you regret not having signed up when the challenge was first offered, dang!

That means another year of waiting, opportunities lost, and results stalled.

Well, it appears that that’s not the case.

You can still do it with – tadaaaah! 

The 2020 Stretch Yourself Challenge Manual.









It is a self-study guide with the same content that all of us doing the challenge use.

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You don’t get the live Zoom calls with Kelly where she gives valuable inputs to inspire the participants and get them through the challenge.

You don’t vie for points to qualify for Kelly’s fantabulous rewards.

Despite these, you’re not left in the dark.

Kelly gives you access to her awesome community via the Mastermind Hub, which has played a highly critical role in the challenge.

It’s worth $79 but Kelly will gladly let you in free using a coupon code.

Here’s what you need to do:

Grab the 2020 Stretch Yourself Challenge Manual NOW!

You won’t have to wait for another year to make strides in content marketing.

You can work through the results at your own pace.

You get access to a secure and supportive community.

You won’t only accomplish a lot using the manual as your guide. You’ll also be preparing yourself for the 2021 Stretch Yourself Challenge!

What are you waiting for?

Click this link and take action! 

Comments on The 2020 Stretch Yourself Challenge

  1. Loved it! I connected with soooooo many people!

  2. Robin Smith says:

    WOW…You are accomplishing so much during this challenge. That is totally amazing! I bet your business just took a giant leap forward. Thanks for doing the collaborative post. I enjoyed participating.

    1. Maria says:

      Thanks, Robin! I am getting great results with growing my list. I'm excited to take my business to a new level moving forward. I'm so glad and grateful that you responded to my call to join the collaborative post. I enjoyed reading your content and am looking forward to reaping the fruits once the post is published. All the best to your stretch challenge!

  3. Gabby Conde says:

    Glad to hear you've found clarity and are stretching in your goals, Maria! Good for you! And stretch you have. I hear you on hitting panic mode, but in the middle of the flurry of work, I've also attracted more people to at least one of my websites. I wonder if the work I've done in the SYC so far has picked up the energy in my business too. Maybe, maybe not. But I definitely hear you on possibly stretching into a new normal as we challenge ourselves to new levels.

    1. Maria says:

      Thanks, Gabby! I'm happy that you are attracting more people into your website. It could be the work you've been doing in the SYC. It's like adding a new element into the equation. It changes the end result. The more we add, the better our results can get as long as we know where we're heading to and we factor in what's needed. All the best to our new normal! 🙂

  4. Karin Crompton says:

    You had my attention from the get-go with the spicy Indian food! Mmmmm. I love your experience here and your description of how the challenge really helped you focus. And I agree – it's not easy! But so worth it. Keep rockin' it!

    1. Maria says:

      Thanks, Karin! Yes, that yummy spicy Indian food sure has gotten some positive attention. LOL.
      The challenge has been pushing me out of my comfort zone. It's an intimidating but a welcome experience. It has made me better. I'll keep rocking and you, too. 🙂

  5. Paul Taubman says:

    I really enjoy the camaraderie of the live challenge so I am happy to be part of it. However, as a self-study program, I plan on continuing with the challenges as I move ahead in my business.

    Like you, one of the things I achieved already with expecting it was clarity in my business. What a nice surprise!


    1. Maria says:

      Same here about the camaraderie and self-study guide that will help us beyond the stretch challenge, Paul. Getting clarity in our business is a big win already. I can't wait to take part again in your quarterly 30-day blog challenge and experience your renewed energy from the SYC. All the best and thank you!

  6. First, congratulations on your two year in business anniversary sale! You mentioned the stress to almost panic levels – what did Kelly call that? The edge of possibility? It’s scary and exciting to live in that space, isn’t it? And yes, I’ve also learned a couple new ways to deal with stress – some of them from this group. It looks like you are accomplishing quite a bit too!

    1. Maria says:

      Thanks, Kelly! Yes, the edge of possibility. It's scary and exciting… and also very empowering. There are new mindsets, knowledge and practices that I have picked up but I guess the real test comes after the challenge. With my new level of adaptability to stress, I guess the horizon is bright for me. I'm sure for you, too, with the couple new ways you have learned. All the best to your own stretching! 🙂

  7. Val Selby says:

    Look at how many challenges you've already accomplished! Awesome job Maria!

    I love that it came up at a time you were asking your self what's next. It's a big next lol

    1. Maria says:

      Thanks, Val! I'm trying my best to move past my comfort zone and squeeze out every bit of goodie that I can get. What's next? There are loads of them.

  8. Lori Winslow says:

    Wow, you are really tackling a lot this month. I have never been a big fan of forums, but this one is different, and everyone is always so helpful and supportive, it makes it a pleasure to use.

    1. Maria says:

      Thanks, Lori! The forum has indeed made a huge difference in how we tackle our own challenges. I think it's also the community culture where people are respectful, sensitive, helpful and supportive, that makes it so. I agree that it's a pleasure to come back to.

  9. Congratulations on your two year business anniversary! It is always so amazing how the things you need show up right when you need them.

    I love how you made the decision to jump into the challenge and stuck with it.

    1. Maria says:

      Thanks, Benecia! Yes, it's amazing. I'd like to believe that when you ask for what you need, an answer comes. I got my perfect answer in the SYC. I'm glad I jumped into it; otherwise, I wouldn't have met you during the triad. 🙂 Wishing you the best in your stretch challenge1

  10. Wow – really? You've only been in business for 2 years? I never would have known – Congratulations!
    It's amazing how things fall in our lap when we need them. I'm so glad you are in the Stretch challenge this year! You did such a great job of describing it, the benefits and the accomplishments that if I wasn't already in it, I would definitely want to join after reading this post!

    1. Maria says:

      Thanks, Dr. Renee! I am amazed myself at how much I have done in 2 years, 9 months of which was in absentia due to a health problem. Yes, the SYC sort of fell on my lap when I needed to speed up my engine and sail onto a more defined path. If this post has that kind of effect on you, I should be actively promoting it then to get more people into buying the self-study guide at the very least. Thanks again! 🙂

  11. Maria, this is such a compelling post–it really sums up about the Stretch Yourself Challenge and why you jumped on it. I love that the invitation to join arrived just at the right time. It did for me, too, over 5 years ago! And stretching and challenge are the key words here. So glad you took the leap and joined the challenge this year. You'll definitely be a finisher and we want to see a picture of you in a future blog post–one of you with the brownies or the mug in your hand!!

  12. WOW! You made me want to go for it! And…I am already doing it! haha! You are spot on! It is such a perfect next step. There is power in stretching with community. I cannot wait to see all that you accomplish this month. I am here cheering you on! 🙂

    1. Maria says:

      Thanks, Cindy! I have read your posts in the Hub and visiting your site made me appreciate the SYC even more with the results that people achieve by stretching. Yours is such a perfect example. I'll continue to stretch accomplish more this month and, more importantly, in the months or years ahead. I'm cheering for you, too!

  13. Amy Smereck says:

    I enjoyed reading about what led you to join the Stretch Yourself Challenge. I love your ambitious goals and that you have already achieved quite a few of them! Having the step-by-step guide for each of the challenges has been helpful for me. And the community aspect is important also. I am glad that newcomers to the challenge can still access those.

    1. Maria says:

      Thanks, Amy! The step-by-step guide sure is a rich resource that we can go back to beyond this stretch challenge. I can't wait to see what Kelly adds to it next year. It seems like a breathing thing with a life of its own.

  14. Adalia John says:

    You wrote that "Overall, you are doing things differently" … that is such a wise decision. Congrats to you for completing 4 of your challenges, I see more. Keep on stretching and doing things differently, to achieve your results.

    1. Maria says:

      Yes, differently in the sense that all my efforts are heading on one direction. I'm not done with stretching yet so there should be more. Thanks, Adalia! Cheering you on in your own stretch challenge. 🙂

  15. Lynn says:

    Great overview of the Stretch Yourself Challenge. As a SYC challenger myself, I agree that there is so much we can learn about ourselves, by taking massive action to move towards business success. Congratulations on your two year business anniversary. Based on what you are learning in the SYC, I imagine you will keep stretching towards many more years to come.

    1. Maria says:

      Thanks, Lynn! There is so much room to stretch for each of us. With all that we're learning, there's no way to go but up and I wish you the best moving forward. 🙂

  16. Tish Lee says:

    Congrats on your 2 year biz anniversary, that's awesome! You are moving right along on the challenges – 4 out of the 9 you wanted to focus on this month is excellent progress. Keep stretching!

    1. Maria says:

      Thanks, Tish! I should at least hit 6. I'm sure it's not the number but the quality of experience, so I'll keep stretching. All the best to all of us!

  17. Love your graphics in this post Maria! And after that first line, I feel I know you better already. Nothing like some spicy, yummy food to get us thinking. Isn't it interesting how stretching and getting a little – or a lot – uncomfortable can bring us clarity in our businesses?! Amazing.

    1. Maria says:

      Thanks, Jennifer! I've been having a ton of discomforts and stress while doing the SYC and all of them are helping me get clarity in my business. With people like you around who are always ready with a helping hand, things are a lot easier. I'm glad to have found SYC at just the perfect time. 🙂

  18. Tara says:

    Maria, Congratulations on compoleting two years in business! That's fantastic. It was so nice to finally meet you through the triad experience during this year's 2020 Stretch Yourself Challenge. I ike your key points about why you joined the challenge. For me, as a solopreneur, I found the connection with others to be invaluable. Plus all the other good stuff! 🙂 I'm looking forward to hearing about your successes in the mastermindhub. To your success with the challenge!

    1. Maria says:

      Thanks, Tara! The triad was a nerve-wracking learning experience for me, and I was glad you were in it. I look forward to your success as well with the challenge and thereafter!

  19. “What’s next? Where to from here? How?” Wow. I connect with those questions. I think perhaps the madness of 2020 has caused many of us to re-examine and re-evaluate, and the SYC is a place where we can figure out what we want and go after it. Clarity, growth, new connections…yep, I connect with those thoughts too. What a great overall assessment of the challenge.

    1. Maria says:

      Thanks, Teresa! I'm glad to have tuned in to the SYC at a time when I was asking those important questions. This is just the start though and more challenges are beckoning. I wish you the best during and after this stretch challenge. 🙂

  20. Suzanne says:


    First of all – that meal sounds delicious! 🙂

    It sounds like you were in a similar boat to me – wanting a push, a change, and a way to connect with others. I've loved the connections I'm making through the challenge, and I love reading about your experiences and successes in the Hub! I can't wait to see how you finish the challenge!

    1. Maria says:

      Indeed, that meal was super delicious! I can have it over and over. 🙂

      Most of the time, we get tangled in things that we've become so used until such time that we get jolted by the unusual. We realize that we want "a push, a change, and a way to connect with others." I'm glad we both came together in the stretch challenge. I can't wait as well to see how you finish the challenge.

      All the best to us!

  21. Amanda Myers says:

    I really like how you mentioned that the invite to the Stretch Yourself Challenge arrived in your inbox at the perfect time.

    1. Maria says:

      Amazing, Amanda! I guess that when you wish for something intently and seriously, what you wish for comes, and comes at just the right time. Thanks! 🙂

  22. Luanna says:

    Maria, I loved that you joined the challenge because you wanted positive change! I've read your posts in the forum and have seen the great support you have received. I can see this has been very successful for you. I'm glad you have had such a great experience.

    1. Maria says:

      Everything has been great since doing the stretch challenge. Great experience, learning, insights, connections, and results! I'm also having a great time. I should have done the challenge early on. Thanks for coming, Luanna!

  23. Kelly says:

    What a meaty overview of everything the Stretch Yourself Challenge offers Maria! Thank you for sharing with others.

    Your stretch will yield long term results – as content is forever when you do it well!

    1. Maria says:

      Thank you, Kelly!

      I'm happy that I was able to cover the important points in the challenge. I'm confident this early that my stretch will yield long term results.

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