This pack includes the following inspirational quotes:
- Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. ~Alfred Adler
- Well done is better than well said. ~Benjamin Franklin, 1737
- A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is rain. ~Arabian proverb
- Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. ~Winston Churchill
- Some people dream of success... while others wake up and work hard at it. ~Author Unknown
- There is only one success — to be able to spend your life in your own way. ~Christopher Morley
- There is more to life than increasing its speed. ~Mohandas K. Gandhi
- God didn't do it all in one day. What makes me think I can? ~Author Unknown
- A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety. ~Aesop's Fables
- Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you. ~John De Paola
- Life is a long road on a short journey. ~James Lendall Basford
- Life: What you choose to make it. ~Elbert Hubbard
- People tend to forget that play is serious. ~David Hockney
- When the student is ready, the master appears. ~Buddhist Proverb
- You learn something every day if you pay attention. ~Ray LeBlond

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